BD party on the eve of 10/10/10. (Didn't get very many photos, nor many good ones, but it was a real blast. Thank you, friends!)
Pretty ladies.
Cool dudes.
"The thing is, coconut water is the only natural substance that can be safely injected into the human blood stream...!" (or something like that)
Candle lighting. I think ARM got these pics.
And then there was a Fleetwood Mac dance party.
Epilogue to Year 28: Humbled by, and thankful for, another lap around the sun. Thankful for friends, family, the season (most lovely fall weather, maybe ever)…
28 was quite a year—ups, downs, up ups, down downs—but I'm ready for whatever's next. I must admit that both fall and birthdays, despite their loveliness, often find me steeped in nostalgia. Already this week I've once again forgotten and relearned (and then forgotten again and relearned again, round & round & round in a circle game) that change is inevitable and necessary and that living and aging gracefully is learning to accept what we can't change and changing the things we can.
We can't return, we can only look behind from where we came—and in so doing, forge ahead. (That's also why everyone's grandma has a cross-stitched version of The Serenity Prayer framed above the kitchen sink—ubiquitous because it's true.) One way to describe the posture of readiness is it's unclenching our hands; seen another way, it's opening them.
Thus concludes this self-help desk calendar of an epilogue. (Fall/birthdays also find me doing some Yoda-level philosophizing.) SAH-DAH-TAY!