Whoa. Just listened to the Radiolab podcast called
"The (Multi) Universe(s)"—an interview with theoretical physicist Brian Greene—and it was a real mind-bender! Thanks, Radiolab. Even though the physical comedy noises and certain attempts at "humor" can get a tad tiring/mildly distracting, overall, this WNYC program does a fine job of making science palatable and interesting for people who don't have much (if any) background in science. A respectable feat. I also like the show where E.O. Wilson talks really casually about how he discovered pheromones.
BD retrospective: To Wilmette to Logan Square to Michigan and back.
The lakeshore in Wilmette is really quiet and empty on a Friday afternoon. A middle-aged woman was sunbathing on the grass in a teeny bathing suit—a bit of a bold statement for an October day, but then again it was 75ish degrees.
Finally visited the
Baha'i Temple, and it was pretty great, architecturally speaking. A really calm and calming space, despite the hype of being advertised as one of the "Seven Wonders of Illinois."
Back home for party preparations.
Li'l pun'kin patch w/ green coconut grass.
In the background is the carver of this pumpkin, and the lovely lady who made the party happen.
Not only does she educate the leaders of tomorrow, but Jessica also makes an amazing carrot cake.
How they built the pyramids:
Rebuilt, reconfigured:
Thanks, friends. A bday to remember.
In Kalamazoo... Patty + Brian=The Panthers Bowling Team!
My bro cutting loose in his room to the tune of the Bstreet Bs.
Trees catching fire.
And from the
HP tour, here's my favorite new photo.