April 4, 2010

highway run

On the road with HP>>L.A. to Detroit.


How does her garden grow?


Rob's stash of vitamins & supplements.


Tour is no excuse to skimp on the D3.


SF thai.


San Jose with Lisa.




World's greatest gas station in Eugene, OR!



Reed College.


Pre-show fire juggling at Reed.


Best soy latte that you ever had??


Lovely host, Jae.


Portland looks nice in spring.


For the roses.


KEXP in Seattle.


Kory & Rob at Rob's BD brunch.



Kilby Court in SLC.



MJ & Val at Slowdown in Omaha.


Checking NBA stats on phone.



While on tour, I had the exclusive opportunity of interviewing the High Places for the Internet. The High Places are a band with two people in it. The two people are Rob Barber and Mary Pearson. If you want to learn about the band High Places made up of two people, Rob Barber and Mary Pearson, then read on. I asked them some in-depth questions about their jangly, tangled, mangled, wrangled, trippy, blippy, drippy, new-fangled, bassy, spacey musique. Read on to read the questions that I asked and the answers that they gave.

What is the best thing about music that you like?
Mary: The sound of it.
Rob: It tickles me.

Why is L.A.?

M: My answer is because in French it means “the.”
R: Shopping at the mall.

Favorite thing?

M: Nope.
R: My earlobes.

Given that the latest album takes a more narrative approach, thus narrowing the lyrical lens song by song, while at the same time refocusing, album-wise, to encompass all mankind—simultaneously providing a distinctive and as of yet unparalleled specificity that feels, by some strange token, universal, and, come to think of it, refreshingly fresh—where are you touring next month?
M: Europe.
R: April.

And how have you been?
M: Vs. mankind.
R: In lockdown.

Say I’m making a sandwich, say, and I only can use three ingredients, but it needs be a good sandwich—like the best sandwich ever made, like a sandwich that could take on mankind—what are my three ingredients?
M: Peace, love, and understanding.
R: Peanut butter, fluffernutter, and jelly.

What is the favorite thing about me?
M: Interviews.
R: Powerful, skull-crushing thighs.

What is the favorite thing about malls?
M: L.A.
R: Payphones.

If you could call one band/musical artist at the mall to collaborate with you, who would it be?

M: Paramore.
R: Henry Rollins.

Name your top 50 albums from 1982–85.

M: Nope.
R: No.

Name your least favorite 50 albums from ’85 on down.
M: Nope.
R: I love the Jeff Foxworthy records.

Why did you name your music that?
M: It sounded right.
R: It was just born that way.

How do I look?
M: Prepared.
R: Powerfully prepared.

How many High Places does it take to screw in a light bulb?
M: A couple.
R: One. Rob does everything.


Unknown said...

Lovely photos and the most gripping interview ever recorded. Party on, Wayne! - JP

Emily said...

I am hoping, beyond all hope of hope, that there is a Web Exclusive interview Part Deux!

*fingers crossed*

p.s. sorry beyond all sorrys that I missed you all in SF. Mama wouldn't let me go out on a school night. (meaning: I wouldn't let myself go out on a school night because I fell asleep.)

KimGold said...

I'm so stoked that I got to see you all! Sooo refreshing!

Laura said...

Emily: No worries. Completely understandable. Hope all's well in SF! I will give some serious consideration to another in-depth web exclusive. I'm sure the band can make time in their busy tour sched for this type of journalism.

Kim: Nice to see you toooooo! Seattle was fun.