February 8, 2008

a wide landscape of snows

Winter now. Winter forever. This morning was milder, though—sunny, even—and when I walked to Harvestime to get groceries, I imagined the serotonin and melatonin balancing themselves out in my brain, creating good vibes and feelings of I-can-do-anythingness. If you're ever feeling empowered and on top o' the world, chances are you should stop and say thanks to the sun.

Mornings That Make You Feel Like You Can Do Anything should also include (but are not limited to) the following stuff: coffee, newly cleaned apartment, records, blended fruit beverage (Mary is right: the word "smoothie" is gross), books...in this case, the first few stories of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Sherman Alexie knows all the words he needs to tell a story. No more, no less.

Oh, by the way, this is my first blog post of all time!



MARY said...

Yes yes yes, sister! I feel like this is one step closer to you writing the novel I've been dreaming of reading. I love you.

Emily said...

I am beyond excited to know that you appreciate the storyteller Mr. Alexie, as he is one of my all time faves. I just read "Flight". It's a good one. Your description of how he "knows all the words to tell a story. No more, no less." is perfect.

Hi, Laura!